Hand steamers

 I am a musician, and for some reason my elbows are always tired. Add to that, I don't really like doing a lot of hard physical labor and I've been searching for ways to make my life easier. Enter the hand steamer, an appliance that makes quick work of cleaning and sterilizing surfaces.

For cleaning windows, countertops, bathroom mirrors, the crevices around sinks and drains, and many other places that are hard to reach, this can't be beat and the investment is worth every penny. 

I convinced my neighbor to buy one. Hers sat around unused for a year until one day she came over and noticed my sparkling clean bathroom and kitchen. The next day she unpacked hers and used it around her house, and then took it to her office and used it there. Yes, she loves hers almost as much as I love mine. Just be sure to follow the directions and keep your body parts away from the nozzles. The ease of cleaning and the lack of wear and tear on your joints, as well as the speed with which you can clean (just a few swipes with the squeegee, and a clean rag to mop up the water) makes this really worthwhile.


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