Saving My Back (and Knees!)

Some days, it just doesn't seem worth it. I know that as I am getting older, my knees and back complain more.
I discovered two things that really help in limiting the amount of time I spend getting up and down, and enabling me to get more done with less aching. And sometimes the adaptations you need don't have to be high-tech!
Here's the first thing:

I got the Carlisle one and I'm thrilled that I don't have to bend all the way to the floor any more in order to sweep the floor! And this is the second: I've had the Xtend and Climb in blue (my favorite color) for years. It's held up really well, and in addition to using it to reach the cabinets, I've been sitting on it to reach the stuff in the back of the kitchen and bathroom base cabinets. These are some of my favorite tools so far!


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