Smart Outlets

Any appliance can be made at least semi-smart with inexpensive smart outlets. If you have a smart speaker, you can turn appliances on and off with your voice; otherwise you can use your smart phone or tablet.

When I was a child, it seemed like every time we went anywhere, we'd have to turn around halfway there at least once, because my mother was always worried she'd left the iron or the stove on. With a smart outlet, you simply bring up an app on your phone and see if it's on. If it is, you can turn it off and go on your merry way.

You can also set your appliances and lamps to go on and off at specific times if they're plugged into smart outlets.

There are two kinds of smart outlets; the ones that replace your regular outlet, and the ones you plug into your existing outlet. If your existing outlets are in good shape, the plug-in outlets will do (and they often multiply the available outlets you have).

If you're having issues with forgetfulness, you can even enable someone else to turn appliances off remotely for you, or set them to go off at bedtime.


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